Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Bird's-Eye View of Refugee Matters

Google and UNHCR have teamed up to show the world a clearer view of refugee issues around the globe. Google Earth, Google's powerful goespatial mapping program, has been tagged with an extra layer of information detailing some of the places where refugees live. This includes camps, open areas, and urban situations.

Click here for a brief news article about the use of Google Earth to raise awareness of refugee issues: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/apr/08/unitednations.sudan

To view the tour, you need to first download the Google Earth software onto your computer. Click the link to access the download and then click the large green button on the upper right part of the screen. http://earth.google.com/ Next, add the UNHCR layer by clicking here: http://www.unhcr.org/googleearth/UNHCR_Google_Project.kml

If you've never used Google Earth, take a few minutes to use the tutorials. Once you find yourself navigating the globe, activate the UNHC layer and spend some time visiting the world's refugee camps. It's quite educational.

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