Monday, June 1, 2020

June is Immigrant Heritage Month

It's a new month halfway through what's turning out to be an unfathomably turbulent year. There's a reason the old Chinese saying*, "May you live in interesting times" is considered to actually be a sly curse.

*Per Wikipedia: Despite being widely attributed as a Chinese curse, there is no known equivalent expression in Chinese. The nearest related Chinese expression translates as "Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos."

June is supposed to be a lot of things, including the start of summer, the time of butterflies, and weddings, and lovely long days. It's also Immigrant Heritage Month. you can find out more about how to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of immigrants past and present via the I am an Immigrant website.

The site's homepage doesn't provide much background, so for a better understanding of the concept, head over to their About Us page:

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