Friday, September 20, 2019

Inservice training September 2019

This training session is for current volunteers in the Colorado Refugee ESL in-home tutoring program. We regret that we cannot accommodate attendees from outside of the organization.
Greetings, tutors!
Based on feedback from you, the topic of our next inservice training for current in-home tutors will be: Assessment.

Saturday, September 28
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Emily Griffith Technical College
1860 Lincoln St.
Room 404

This presentation will help tutors understand the different types of assessment used in adult education and with language learners. How do you know if your student is making progress? What is the difference between summative and formative assessment and how to do you apply them within your teaching? What kinds of tests tell you what it is you're trying to measure? Learn the answers to these questions while gaining insights into how to gauge your student's progress. A variety of assessment methods will be discussed and demonstrated.
About our presenter
Chris Kilmer is an instructor and instructor support specialist in the English Language Acquisition (ELS) program at Emily Griffith Technical College. Chris is the former materials specialist in the EGTC ELA department and he has extensive experience with language-learner assessment. Chris grew up in Aurora and went on to graduate from Stanford University. After spending five years setting up and running English teacher training programs in Brazil and Chile with Bridge Linguatec, Chris returned to Colorado and has been teaching English to adults of all stripes and objectives, from Somali literacy students to Germans trying to get into graduate school and everything in between.  He especially likes the contact with other cultures and the opportunity to help some amazing people.
But wait--there's more!
The first 30 minutes of the session will be a tutor mingle-meet-and-greet. Being an in-home tutor can feel like a solitary experience sometimes, so this casual activity is an opportunity for you to meet other in-home tutors and talk about your students, your experience, and whatever else comes to mind.
Following the meet-and-greet, it's your time to talk about your favorite teaching tips and tricks. We'll spend one hour hearing from all of you about what resources, activities, and strategies you've found to be most successful in working with your student. This peer-to-peer sharing has become an invaluable part of our inservice sessions, so please come prepared to talk about--and even demonstrate--the ways you've been helping your student learn. Our classroom has internet access, a computer, and that nifty Promethean board, and you're welcome to make copies of handouts to share.
Our guest presenter will be with us starting at 10:30, and we will wrap up at 12:00 noon.
Please don't forget to register ahead of time using the link above. As always, I must give a list of attendees to DPS security the night before our session. Thanks for your cooperation.
I look forward to seeing you on September 28!

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