Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Net return on a small investment

Do you remember the last time you had a mosquito bite? It was annoying, wasn't it? Did you go camping and get a lot of bites? That probably made you terribly uncomfortable, but it was probably easy to treat with some Benadryl cream or a dab of witch hazel. Did you ever, though, fear for your life when you got those mosquito bites? Probably not, but for millions of other people around the world, a mosquito bite might well be the start of a serious illness that can lead to death.

Malaria. It seems so foreign when you live in the U.S., but malaria kills millions of people every year. Refugees are especially vulnerable to Malaria because of where they live and the often poorly protected conditions in the camps. Those who contract malaria but don't die from it, may still face a lifetime of ongoing effects of the illness, including possible brain damage and full-blown relapses. Some of the refugees who come here, particularly from Africa and Burma, have lived through this ordeal or lost family members to it.

International facts:

  • Each year, malaria afflicts approximately a half-billion people (roughly the population of the United States, Canada, and Mexico combined).
  • Malaria kills more than a million people per year; 90 percent of those who die are African children.
  • Every 30 seconds in Africa a child dies of malaria.
  • Malaria incapacitates people, keeping countries poor. In addition to the health burden, malaria illness and death cost Africa about $12 billion per year.

  • And yet, it's not that hard to stop an infection in the first place. A simple mosquito net is often a very effective barrier between a human and a malaria infection. Do you have $10 to spare? For a small donation of only $10, you can help Nothing But Nets purchase one mosquito net to be used by a refugee.

    Think about it. Skip a couple of trips to Starbucks and use the money to save a life. Or two.


    This fall, Nothing But Nets will work closely with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to send urgently-needed nets to more than 630,000 refugees in 27 camps in four countries where the threat is greatest:
    • Uganda
    • Eastern Sudan
    • Kenya
    • Tanzania

A donation of $10 will buy a net. That's all it takes. Visit this part of the Website and see what this UNHCR partner program is all about. Click here to read about why Nothing But Nets has partnered with UNHCR. By all means, play the video on the home page of the Website. the music is incredible, and the message of the video will give you something to think about. Like how to spend $10.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

UN Day of Peace

The United Nations International Day of Peace is this Sunday, September 21. To learn more about the day and the events that commemorate it, visit the official Website: http://internationaldayofpeace.org/. The site has informative links--explore. There's a lot to learn. The news and events section was particularly interesting for me.

You can participate in the Day of Peace right here in Denver.

United Nations

International Day of Peace
Colorado State Capitol, Denver
Sunday, September 21, 2008
West Steps, 3pm

Interfaith * Intercultural * Interracial * International
Celebrating One Global Family

Featuring Colorado Musical Missions for Peace, Los Lantzmun Band,
Collegiate Ambassadors for Peace
Contact pyujiri@msn.com for information
Sponsors: Ambassadors for Peace of Colorado, UNA-USA

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Learn with the pros!

The COTESOL conference is coming up in just over a month on October 24-25. You don't have to work in the profession to attend this excellent conference. Volunteers can attend for a discounted rate of $85 ($75 for one day only). The price goes up $20 after October 3.

There are sessions to address just about any teaching issue you'd like to know about. This is also an opportunity to talk with ESL teachers from all over the state (and several other states, as well). Team A Little Something will be presenting at the end of the day on Saturday, October 25.
The conference takes place at The Red Lion Hotel at I-225 at South Parker Rd.

For registration information, session schedules and descriptions and more, visit the COTESOL Website at http://www.colorado.edu/iec/cotesol/.

Tell your friends!

The next all-day training for the in-home tutoring program is coming up very soon. If you know of anyone who would like to join the fun of home tutoring, please pass along the information.

Saturday, September 27
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Applications are available online at www.refugee-esl.org. The training after this one will be sometime in November. Date TBA...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Group Opportunity

I currently have two groups of refugee women in need of a teacher. Both groups have between 5-7 students. Most have low-level proficiency in English. Literacy varies significantly.

The groups are in two locations and would prefer to meet twice a week. Team teaching with another tutor is recommended.

Group #1
1217 W 10th Ave
Click here to see a map

This group meets in a quiet classroom at the Bridge Project in the Lincoln South housing complex. Because Bridge exists to serve children after school, this class must meet during the week and class must finish no later than 2:00. this location is just steps from the Light Rail station at 10th & Osage.

The students in group #1 are mostly Somali Bantu women who have a beginning level of English and no literacy.

Group #2
1905 Blackhawk St.
click here for a map

This group has approximately five women from Burma and Ethiopia, but more women would like to be included. This group is mixed in terms of English ability and literacy. The group meets in the apartment of one of the Burmese women. This group does not sit in chairs, so you would have to be willing to work from the floor. I suggest bringing a lamp.

This location is a couple of blocks east of I-225 and a few blocks north of Colfax (Fitzsimmons area).

Please call me (in the afternoon) if you are interested in helping out with one of these groups. 720-423-4843.
Get Your Flapjack On!

3rd Annual Pablo's Pancake Breakfast
Benefiting the African Community Center
Refugee Resettlement Program

All you can eat pancakes, sausage, juice, and coffee!
Great prize drawings: Win cool stuff!
Bounce castle for the kids!
Sunday September 14th
8am to Noon
in the Pablo's Parking Lot
630 E 6th Ave
$6 presale /$7 day of event

Get fed, drink great coffee, win stuff, meet the neighbors and support a great cause!

Find out more about the African Community Center at http://www.africancommunitycenter.net/

Thanks to our 2008 Sponsors: Fashion Denver - Brothers BBQ - Bocumast.com - SputnikRock the Cradle - Fancy Tiger - IndyInk - Wine Seller