Thursday, January 2, 2020

December tutoring time is now due

Hello, everyone, and happy New Year!

I hope your holidays have been merry, bright, fun, and filled with love. My 2020 wish is more peace, more fulfillment, and an abundance of kindness for everyone.

I'm still on winter break, so this message will be short as I resolved to not work during my break, for once. Other than sending out this message, I've mostly succeeded. I will be back in the office on Monday, January 5--and I'm not checking email a minute before then!

If you have concluded your tutoring and you already let me know that, please disregard this message. I'll clean up my distribution list soon, I promise.

Here is the link to report your December in-home tutoring time.

Thank you!!

Sharon L. McCreary | Emily Griffith Technical College
Volunteer Coordinator, Colorado Refugee ESL Program | 720-423-4843
I am out of the office on Wednesdays.