Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Help our students learn to interview!

Anyone who has ever been new to the workforce--or returning after time away--knows how nerve-wracking a job interview can be. Like anything else, though, practice makes perfect.

On April 30 and May 1, Emily Griffith Technical College will be hosting a mock career fair to help our students get interviewing practice and gain confidence for the job search..Here's a chance for you to get in touch with your inner actor! We need volunteers to stand in and "play the roles" of human resources professionals. Volunteers will conduct mock interviews with our students and help the students polish their interviewing, presentation, and networking skills.

Volunteers will be assigned to conduct interviews for a particular career area or industry. For example, you might be assigned to play the role of HR representative for "Restaurant," "Hospitality/Hotel," "Healthcare/Hospital," etc. You will be given a script of sample questions to ask and the types of responses expected from the students. After each mock interview, you'll offer feedback and advice on what the student needs improve upon or change.

Volunteer participants should be outgoing, friendly, able to convey a professional demeanor, and enjoy interacting with students from very diverse backgrounds.

Tuesday, April 30
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 1
9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon

You can volunteer for one or both sessions, for even for just an hour.

If you're interested in volunteering as an interviewer for the mock career fair, please contact Kevin Mohatt at Kevin_Mohatt@dpsk12.org or 720-423-4753.