The Arapahoe Library District recently made a helpful addition to its website. As a tutor, you might find this new web page quite useful. The URL for the site is http://arapahoelibraries.org/new-americans. If you get to the website via search in your browser, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and under "Services," click on "New Americans."
Some of the resources on the site include information about free ESL classes, conversation groups, support services for newcomers who have been in the U.S. for less than three years, ESL collections in the library district, online ESL learning tools, downloadable ESL materials, citizenship information and resources, adult literacy resources, and more.
The Denver Public Library also has a many resources for newcomers. On its Community Learning Plazas section of the website, you'll find information about citizenship, language learning, online ESL help, and video language lessons, among other helpful tools. Click on one of the colorful bubbles at the top of the page to access the Learning Plaza you wish to explore.
Just below the graphic for the Learning Plazas, there is a link to Immigrant Resources. this comprehensive list of organizations and services is a good reference for anyone who is or who helps newcomers in the Denver area. Click here to access the DPL Community Learning Plazas.
Take a look around both sites--you are likely to find something of use to you and to your student.
Refugee health and the CDC
Also on the Internet this week, the U.S. Centers for disease control (CDC) has updated its site with some new refugee-specific health information. The first refugee health profile is about the Bhutanese population. More profiles are in development and will be added soon.
While much of the information is intended for medical professionals who encounter refugees in their practice, the information will also provide insight to anyone who has contact with the refugee population. Topics include cultural background, common medical conditions in populations being resettled, migration information, and healthcare and diet in camps. Click here to go to the homepage for Refugee Health Profiles.